Pedagogical practice and educational organization of Physical Education contents for elderly people in Projeto Sênior para a Vida Ativa (“Senior Citizens for an Active Life Project”) of USJT: an experience on the road towards autonomy

Alessandra Galve Gerez, Maria Luiza de Jesus Miranda, Fabiano Marques Camara, Marília Velardi


This paper reports on reflections made by educators in the Senior Project on the development of a physical education program for elderly people, how such reflections materialized in practice and the initial results they have produced. The Project was implemented with the goal of constructing knowledge necessary for the the acquisition of autonomy in the practice of physical activities, as well as an understanding of the aging process. Due to its educational character, it was clear that we should think about what concepts of health, old age and education should serve as a basis for actions. In this vein, the project adopted several conceptions proposed by Paulo Freire as its theoretical bases: the “ideário da promoção da saúde” (ideas for health promotion), the “teoria da velhice bem-sucedida” (theory of a successful old age), and the “pedagogia da autonomia” (pedagogy of autonomy). Pedagogical organization and teaching were based on Coll’s
proposals, as well as on those of his collaborators.

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Portal de Periódicos da CAPES DOAJ PKP ULRICHS WEB LiVre CCN

ISSN (Impresso) 0101-3289; ISSN (Eletrônico) 2179-3255
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